
Meet The Team: Teala Penner


Storyteller for Forbidden Vancouver Walking Tours

British Columbia native Teala (she/her) joined us in 2022 as a Forbidden Vancouver Tour storyteller. Her undergrad in theatre and history led her to apply, and she’s enjoyed learning more about Vancouver’s secret past during her training as a guide. Her favourite times leading tours are when guests share their history with her – she loves hearing stories from all over the world!

Teala’s love for travel and theatre led her to Korea where she owned and operated a theatre company and taught English. Back in B.C., she taught theatre workshops to youth across the province. Today, she’s on the managing board of a harm reduction non-profit helping bring safer drug use to nightlife, and is working on her degree in counselling psychology.

Join Teala on a Forbidden Vancouver Tour!

Teala’s Post Tour Recommendations

  • Afternoon tour: grab an ice cream nearby
  • Evening tour: Spinach Dip at the Pourhouse

Teala’s Vancouver Recommendations

  • A day at English Bay (near the ice cream trucks and Vancouver palm trees)

Connect with Teala